
Empowering Change
Through Action

Crafting Tomorrow's Businesses Today with Specialized Workshops in Climate Change, Sustainability, and Environmental Innovation

Sustainability is more than a goal – it's our mission

We're dedicated to transforming the way we think about sustainability and addressing climate change. Join us in our journey as we inspire and facilitate action through educating and empowering others to curate innovative ways to address climate change in their community.


People Educated


Projects Initiated


of lives impacted

Our services

Sustainability Innovation Workshops

Facilitating dynamic workshops that empower organizations and communities to brainstorm and implement effective climate change solutions.

Education Through Interactive Learning

Delivering thought-provoking and engaging educational content tailored for organizations and universities to educate and inspire their community.

Sustainable Leadership Solutions

Working with organizational leaders to define and achieve sustainability goals through strategic planning and implementation.

UN Climate Change Summit

In September of 2019, a mere weeks following the devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian in The Bahamas, I participated on the Caribbean led panel titled: Garnering Philanthropic/ Private Sector Support to Achieve SDGs in the Caribbean. This panel focused on the challenges small island developing states, like those in the Caribbean face due to a changing climate and action steps towards a more resilient Caribbean.

Speaking engagements

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